*** Posting to this blog - Please read ***

*** Posting to this blog – Please read ***

Welcome to the St Helens Birds and Wildlife blog. We welcome your reports from across the borough regarding all forms of wildlife. Please click on the "Report a sighting" tab if you would like to contribute to this blog.

We ask that you refrain from posting exact breeding locations of any species which may be considered scarce or vulnerable, and in particular schedule 1 species. In the context of St Helens, schedule 1 species usually means kingfisher and little ringed plover. Little ringed plover should not be reported at all on this blog between 1st May and 1st August.

Scarce or vulnerable species include but are not restricted to any species of wader, ducks other than mallard, all owls, any birds of prey, grey or yellow wagtails, grey heron, all grebes, Cetti’s warbler, water rail, willow tit, corn bunting etc. If in doubt, please ask.

We reserve the right to edit or delete posts which contravene this rule.

Wednesday, 25 March 2020

Sankey Valley from Carr Mill Dam to the Ranger Station

Teal 13; Kingfisher 2; Nuthatch 4; Chiffchaff 4; Goldfinch pair and gathering nest material; Linnet just the one in Stanley Bank fields.

Derek Evans

Tuesday, 24 March 2020

Carr Mill Dam area

Carr Mill Dam: Goosander 4 (3 male, one female) on Dig Pits at 0845; Meadow Pipit 4.

Garswood Old Road and Arch Lane: Redwing 20; Fieldfare 70; Meadow Pipit 2; Tree Sparrow 7; Carrion Crow 46 on recently ploughed land.

Derek Evans

Monday, 23 March 2020

Sankey Valley from Carr Mill Dam to the Ranger Station

At Carr Mill Dam: Sand Martin 5; Common Gull 4 adult.
In the Valley: Teal 10 (5 pairs); Grey Wagtail pair with female gathering nest material; Chiffchaff 3 in song; Willow Tit.

Derek Evans

Saturday, 21 March 2020

Sankey Valley from Carr Mill Dam to the Ranger Station

Goosander male on brook/canal near Ranger Station at 0715; Teal 6 (in 3 pairs); Great Spotted Woodpecker drumming; Chiffchaff 3 in song; Long-tailed Tit pair gathering nest material.

Derek Evans

Saturday, 21 March 2020

Manage your business through disruption

Tools to help your business during the COVID-19 outbreak.
Facebook for Business
Tools to help your business during the COVID-19 outbreak.  ‌
Manage your business through disruption

Tools to help your business during the COVID-19 outbreak.

View Resources

Hello Crl,

At Facebook, we're working to keep people safe and informed about the recent outbreak of COVID-19. We know that as members of the communities you serve, businesses like yours may also be experiencing unexpected challenges, and we're committed to providing as much support as possible.

Today we are introducing a small business resource hub. It contains recommendations and resources that can help you manage your business through disruptions and keep you and your customers connected and informed, including:

Five steps you can start taking today
Preparedness guides
Additional resources and free training

We will update the Hub with new resources as they become available.

You can also join the Boost With Facebook community to discuss tips and best practices for emergency preparedness.

You can learn more about how Facebook is keeping people safe and informed here.

The Facebook Business Team

View Resources
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Facebook, Inc., Attention: Community Support, 1 Facebook Way, Menlo Park, CA 94025

Friday, 20 March 2020

Garswood Old Road near Carr Mill Dam

Redwing 15; Lapwing pair in display; Chiffchaff and Mistle Thrush in song; Buzzard.

Derek Evans

Thursday, 19 March 2020

Crl, create a post for people visiting "Le Réseau d'Observations des Cétacés de Colombie-Britannique"

They haven't heard from you in a while
Facebook for Business
They haven't heard from you in a while
HeaderFacebook adverts

Hi Crl,

People visiting Le Réseau d'Observations des Cétacés de Colombie-Britannique haven't heard from you in a while. Write a post or share a photo or video to keep people engaged. Learn more

The Facebook Adverts Team

This email was sent to sightings@outlook.com. You can unsubscribe or learn more about advertising.
Facebook, Inc., Attention: Community Support, 1 Facebook Way, Menlo Park, CA 94025

Thursday, 19 March 2020

Tuesday, 17 March 2020

Sankey Valley from Carr Mill Dam to the Ranger Station

Teal 8 (4 pairs); Stock Dove pair in display; Chiffchaff 3 in song of which one seen; Coal Tit.

Derek Evans

Monday, 16 March 2020

Sankey Valley from Carr Mill Dam to the Ranger Station

Great Spotted Woodpecker drumming; Grey Wagtail 2 pairs setting up territory; Song Thrush 5+ pairs; Redwing 2; Goldcrest and Nuthatch in song; Reed Bunting 3; Yellowhammer 3+ pairs.

Derek Evans

Friday, 13 March 2020

457639 is your Facebook login code

  Hi Crl, You can enter this code to log in to Facebook: 457639 If you weren't trying to log in, let us know .  
Hi Crl,

You can enter this code to log in to Facebook:


If you weren't trying to log in, let us know.
This message was sent to sightings@outlook.com.
Facebook, Inc., Attention: Community Support, 1 Facebook Way, Menlo Park, CA 94025

Friday, 6 March 2020

Facebook password change

  Hi Crl, Your Facebook password was changed on Friday, 6 March 2020 at 10:39 (PST).  Operating system: Windows Browser: Chrome IP address: Estimated location: Vancouver, BRITISH COLUMBIA, CA If you did this, you can safely disregard this email. If you didn't do this, please secure your account . Thanks, The Facebook Security Team    
Hi Crl,
Your Facebook password was changed on Friday, 6 March 2020 at 10:39 (PST). 
Operating system: Windows
Browser: Chrome
IP address:
Estimated location: Vancouver, BRITISH COLUMBIA, CA
If you did this, you can safely disregard this email.
If you didn't do this, please secure your account.
The Facebook Security Team
This message was sent to sightings@outlook.com at your request.
Facebook, Inc., Attention: Community Support, 1 Facebook Way, Menlo Park, CA 94025
To help keep your account secure, please don't forward this email. Learn more

Friday, 6 March 2020

Did you log in to Facebook from somewhere new?

  Hi Crl   It looks like someone tried to log in to your account on 6 March at 00:08 using Chrome on Android 9 . Your account is safe; we just wanted to make sure that it was you who tried to log in from somewhere new.   If you don't think that this was you, please log in to Facebook so that we can walk you through a few steps to keep your account safe.   Thanks, The Facebook Team  
   Did you log in to Facebook from somewhere new?
Hi Crl
It looks like someone tried to log in to your account on 6 March at 00:08 using Chrome on Android 9. Your account is safe; we just wanted to make sure that it was you who tried to log in from somewhere new.
If you don't think that this was you, please log in to Facebook so that we can walk you through a few steps to keep your account safe.
The Facebook Team
This message was sent to sightings@outlook.com at your request.
Facebook, Inc., Attention: Community Support, 1 Facebook Way, Menlo Park, CA 94025

Wednesday, 4 March 2020

Crl, log in to Facebook with one click

  Hi Crl, We've noticed that you're having trouble with logging in to your account. If you need help, click the button below and we'll log you in.     Log In with One Click       Why have you received this email? There was an unsuccessful login attempt on your account. If this wasn't you, let us know .  

Hi Crl,

We've noticed that you're having trouble with logging in to your account. If you need help, click the button below and we'll log you in.

Log In with One Click

Why have you received this email?

There was an unsuccessful login attempt on your account. If this wasn't you, let us know.

This message was sent to sightings@outlook.com.
Facebook, Inc., Attention: Community Support, 1 Facebook Way, Menlo Park, CA 94025

Monday, 2 March 2020

Moss Lane at Windle/Rainford

Stonechat female from 0745. Also: Red-legged Partridge, Lapwing 10 (5 pairs), Redwing 30 (some in song), Fieldfare 10, Tree Sparrow 3 and Chaffinch 40 (around horses).

Derek Evans