*** Posting to this blog - Please read ***

*** Posting to this blog – Please read ***

Welcome to the St Helens Birds and Wildlife blog. We welcome your reports from across the borough regarding all forms of wildlife. Please click on the "Report a sighting" tab if you would like to contribute to this blog.

We ask that you refrain from posting exact breeding locations of any species which may be considered scarce or vulnerable, and in particular schedule 1 species. In the context of St Helens, schedule 1 species usually means kingfisher and little ringed plover. Little ringed plover should not be reported at all on this blog between 1st May and 1st August.

Scarce or vulnerable species include but are not restricted to any species of wader, ducks other than mallard, all owls, any birds of prey, grey or yellow wagtails, grey heron, all grebes, Cetti’s warbler, water rail, willow tit, corn bunting etc. If in doubt, please ask.

We reserve the right to edit or delete posts which contravene this rule.

Saturday, 30 April 2016

My garden Eccleston

Male siskin still visiting the sunflower heart feeder daily.

Damian P

Saturday, 30 April 2016

Eccleston Mere

Lots of migrants around this morning, including:
Swift (one)
Sand Martin
House Martin
Willow Warbler
Sedge Warbler
Common Sandpiper

Chris McEntee

Saturday, 30 April 2016

Saturday, 30 April 2016


This morning on Havannah flash I was rewarded by hearing the sound of a Cuckoo, I was really delighted with this as the last time I heard a Cuckoo on the flash was in 2002.
Other birds.
Common tern 2
Oystercatcher 1 over.

Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Eccleston Mere

Another quick look on my way home...

Common sandpiper 1 on East Bank again opposite the timing hut
Mandarin duck 1m
Goldeneye 1f near the island
Sandmartin 15+
Swallow 30+
Housemartin 5+
Grey wagtail 1

Damian P

Tuesday, 26 April 2016


Tuesday 26th April: 8 Common Tern and 1 Common Sandpiper at Carr Mill Dam; 1 Whitethroat at Stanley Bank; 1 Sedge Warbler at Sankey Valley next to the Visitor Centre.
Derek Evans

Sunday, 24 April 2016

My garden Eccleston

A pair of siskin on my feeders again this morning, they've been pretty much every day for the past few weeks.

Damian P

Sunday, 24 April 2016

Havannah flash

7am. Short walk with the dogs, birds present this morning.
Buzzard 3.
Blackcap 1.
Tree creeper 1.
Lapwing 6.
Canada goose 2 over.
Reed bunting 3.
Swallow 1 over.

Saturday, 23 April 2016

Old Coach Road

On a bike ride with the kids....
Shelduck 2 - I think these are following me around!
Blackcap 1 singing
Willow warbler 2 singing

and 1 baby lapwing!

Damian P

Friday, 22 April 2016

Eccleston mere

Another quick look after work...

Mandarin duck 1f
House Martin 1
Swallow 20+
Blackcap 1 singing
Mute swan 12

Damian P

Thursday, 21 April 2016


Thursday 21st April at Sandy Lane Rainford: pair Grey Partridge; pair Oystercatcher; one Raven; one Whitethroat seen and in song.
At Berrington's Lane, Rainford: one Fieldfare.
Derek Evans.

Thursday, 21 April 2016

Havannah flash

Tufted duck 2 /1 male / 1 female.
Grey Heron 1.
Reed bunting.
Buzzard 2

Orange tip 1
Small tortoiseshell 3

Wednesday, 20 April 2016

Eccleston mere

A quick look on my way home...

Common sandpiper 1
Swallow 1
Reed bunting 2 male
Song thrush 1
Mute swan 7
Tufted duck 9+

Damian P

Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Carr Mill Dam

Tuesday 19th April: 2 Greylag Goose, pair Tufted Duck, 2 Common Tern, 1 Common Sandpiper.

Derek Evans

Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Carr Mill Dam

Monday 18th April: Pair Teal (main Dam at 0850), 3 Common Tern, 100+ Sand Martin and 1 Tree Sparrow. Derek Evans

Monday, 18 April 2016

Wildlife, the Law & Respect

Hi all,

Its at this time of the year when we suddenly need to think a little more carefully about posting sightings and photos of breeding birds.

By all means feel free to share information privately (especially with me!) but always be wary of putting the info out for all and sundry to see ..... there are still some unscrupulous people out there who trawl the internet for breeding bird info, only last week some peregrine eggs were stolen from a nest in the north west.

In regards to photography please respect the wildlife and remember that patience, understanding and good field craft will always trump unrestrained encroaching on a subject.  Wildlife is sensitive and disturbing nesting birds is an offence.


Paul B

Friday, 15 April 2016

This week

Monday 11th April: Burgy Banks North - 1 Blackcap in song.
Tuesday 12th April: Laffak Pond (Chain Lane) - 1 drake Pochard; 6 Sand Martin.
Friday 15th April: Grasmere Avenue - 1 Raven was first site record. Berrington's Lane - pair Oystercatcher; 1 Red-legged Partridge; 2 Siskin; 4 Redpoll. Sandy Lane - 20 Fieldfare.  

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Green Woodpecker

Having been for a short walk this afternoon in Billinge Plants and watching a Nuthatch at its nesthole but frustratingly not being able to get in position for a photograph, I went back this evening (7.40pm) to see if there was any more activity, but this time without my camera. After being there for a couple of minutes and deciding it was too late in the day, a larger bird flew in and landed on the same tree trunk just yards above my head. Because it was starting to get dusk it was slightly silhouetted . I thought it was a woodpecker but it didn't look like a great-spotted. And it couldn't be a green woodpecker because ive never seen one .. and what are the odds of seeing one just yards above my head? Then it started yaffling! It stayed for about 30 seconds flew to another tree about 20 yards away , yaffled some more.... and then flew directly in the direction of the border between Abbots farm- Bispham wood. After tapping on the tree trunk with a stone for a further 30 seconds the Nuthatch didn't show itself so I went home!

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Bits and pieces at Eccleston Mere

Fairly quiet round the mere this afternoon, with the most notable birds being 2 males and 1 female Blackcap, 2 Chiffchaff, 1 Willow Warbler all being the first I've seen in St Helens this year, also m&f Pochard, 6+ Tufted Duck and 4+ Great-creasted Grebes

Ray Banks

Sent from my iPad

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Havannah flash

Sightings from Havannah flash this afternoon.
Brimstone 1
Orange tip 1
Swallow 1
Buzzard 2
Reed bunting 1


Sunday, 10 April 2016

Moss Lane

Shelduck 2 (1m,1f)
Oystercatcher 4
Corn bunting 1
Stock dove 4
Grey Partridge 2
Yellowhammer 2
Lesser black backed gull 20+
Grey Heron 2
Lapwing 10+
Buzzard 1

Brown Hare 2

Damian P

Saturday, 9 April 2016

Burgy Banks North

Saturday 9th April: 4 male Blackcap chasing of which one in song at Burgy Banks North (above Hinckley Road) at 0845.

Derek Evans

Thursday, 7 April 2016

Carr Mill area

Thursday 7th April: 4 Wheatear (3 male, one female) at 1145 on ploughed land near Otter's Swift Farm. 

Derek Evans

Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Carr Mill Dam

Wed 6th April: 90 Sand Martin, 3 Swallow and one House Martin at 0900.

Derek Evans

Monday, 4 April 2016


First Bats of the year spotted tonight  flying around my back garden,8-20pm. Pipistrelle.

Monday, 4 April 2016

Towards the town centre

Monday 4th April: female Mallard with 7 ducklings on St Helens Canal near New Double Locks; one Willow Warbler in song near Lower Hall Street at 0830.

Derek Evans

Sunday, 3 April 2016

Havannah flash

Birds this morning.

Buzzard 2

Kingfisher 2

Lapwings 4



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Sunday, 3 April 2016

Bird box camera

I've streamed my bird box camera to YouTube and will try to keep the stream live a much as possible. We've got bluetits which are just starting to nest. They're normally most active in the mornings and then one bird roosts from about 7.30 onwards. I've added a new tab above that links straight to the feed. It's not working from my phone though for some reason, will try and get that sorted next.

Damian P

Friday, 1 April 2016

Sankey Valley and Carr Mill Dam

Thurs 31st March: 2 (pair) Teal near Visitor Centre.
Fri 1st April: 2 Fieldfare near Stanley Bank; 20 Sand Martin and 3 Swallow at Carr Mill Dam.

Derek Evans