A multi-contributor blog covering all aspects of wildlife in St Helens. Please see the "Report a Sighting" tab or use the contact form if you would like to contribute.
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Welcome to the St Helens Birds and Wildlife blog. We welcome your reports from across the borough regarding all forms of wildlife. Please click on the "Report a sighting" tab if you would like to contribute to this blog. We ask that you refrain from posting exact breeding locations of any species which may be considered scarce or vulnerable, and in particular schedule 1 species. In the context of St Helens, schedule 1 species usually means kingfisher and little ringed plover. Little ringed plover should not be reported at all on this blog between 1st May and 1st August. Scarce or vulnerable species include but are not restricted to any species of wader, ducks other than mallard, all owls, any birds of prey, grey or yellow wagtails, grey heron, all grebes, Cetti’s warbler, water rail, willow tit, corn bunting etc. If in doubt, please ask. We reserve the right to edit or delete posts which contravene this rule. |
Sunday, 28 July 2013
Back garden moth trapping
Coxcomb prominent
White satin moth
Swallow tail
Clouded border
Buff ermine
These are just a tiny sample of what I caught, the trouble I now have is the House sparrows have caught on to were the trap is situated and are waiting for them to be released, some of the little beggar's are even getting into the trap as I am inspecting it.
Saturday, 27 July 2013
Old Coach Road
7+ yellow wagtail
meadow pipit
common whitethroat
willow warbler
2 brown hare and lots of common butterflies
Damian P
Friday, 26 July 2013
Eccleston Mere
1 common sandpiper flying around the island
Lots of horseflies!
Damian P
Wednesday, 24 July 2013
Havannah flash
Tuesday, 23 July 2013
Eccleston Mere
Tuesday, 23 July 2013
Newton Lake, NLW - Monday
1 adult Little Ringed Plover.
1 juvenile Little Ringed Plover.
Both flew in together at dinner time.
Sunday, 21 July 2013
Mountain's Farm, Billinge
1 yellow wagtail
1 common whitethroat
1 reed bunting
1 tree sparrow
2 brown hare
Damian P
Sunday, 21 July 2013
Saturday, 20 July 2013
Barn owl on white post going up dfr parked side of nursery wood and watched it hunting for ten minutes.this was at 10pm friday always comes out about 30 mins after sunset.
Saturday, 20 July 2013
Lyme & Wood Pitt Country park
Pied wagtail 1
Moorhen 4
Emperor dragonfly 7
Lastweek I paid a short visit to the two ponds situated on the right at the bottom of Grange valley, I was informed that this was a very god place to watch Dragonflies and was not disappointed with Emperor,Broad bodied and Black tailed skimmer all seen. This morning I made a return visit only to be disappointed with the amount of litter which had been left all over the area, along with the remains of fires, the water was full of beer cans etc.
This is a shame as the two ponds are a great place for anyone who has an interest in insects, but please do not be put off if you plan a visit.
Saturday, 20 July 2013
Eccleston Mere
2 nuthatch
1 buzzard
2 blackcap (1m,1f)
1 gs woodpecker juv
1 treecreeper
2 mute swan
There's going to be a fishing match on today-will probably get busy.
Damian P
Saturday, 20 July 2013
Newton Lake
1 kingfisher
2 little grebe
1 tufted duck
Damian P
Friday, 19 July 2013
Party of Five
I wonder where they bred?
Friday, 19 July 2013
Newton Lake, Newton-le-Willows Friday 19 July
The lake has a good amount of mud and that kind of thing normally pulls in a wader or too even in St Helens!
Believe it or not most waders will have finished breeding by now and they begin to move south or to the coast. Mud on lakes like this can be a vital refuelling station on these long journeys.
A quick scan revealed maybe a hundred moulting duck. You know these guys are flightless during this moult and therefore the males lose their smart plumage evidenced by the fact that later on when some locals brought some bread and they simply swam over.
Just as I finished my 3rd or 4th scan of the mud I noticed 3 small waders getting up and flying high off to the west ( toward Pennington Flash perhaps ...). Their pale colour, white tail edges and lack of wing bars plus the fact that 3 had been reported recently made me put them down as little-ringed plovers - a rare treat in St Helens.
A little later on an oystercatcher appeared from nowhere probably the same one I had here the other day.
The local kingfisher kept me entertained whilst I waited to see if any more waders would magically appear. At one point a black-headed gull chased a kingfisher from it perch but the tables soon turned and the bully became the bullied.
Round the back of the lake several reed buntings were singing whilst the riar of the already busy M6 drowned out mist birdsong.
Back on the lake A pair of little grebes were whinnying ... Perhaps a late breeding attempt?
Arguably the best birds of the day though was a family party of grey wagtails who came the feed along the 'dam' wall. A single young bird begged for food from its mother. Later on a very smart dad appeared, I wondered did he do any parenting as he was so pristine.
Still after over two hours no more waders appeared .... Oh we'll there's alway tomorrow.
Thursday, 18 July 2013
Thursday, 18 July 2013
Thursday, 18 July 2013
Moorhen 1
Jay 1
Fox 1
Very quiet around Havannah flash, with nothing at all on the Sankey brook. I did come across a Fox at 8-30am, it was walking up Waggon lane and didn't seem bothered about me watching it at all, it seemed to be pretty tame.
Wednesday, 17 July 2013
Eccleston Mere
Mute Swan 2 adults
Tufted Duck 1
Coot 50
Nuthatch 1
Very quiet at the mere, but lots of disturbance isn't helping. Everyday at the moment there are gangs of teenagers swimming, drinking, shouting and sailing out on anything that floats! Oh for a stormy autumnal day.....
Wednesday, 17 July 2013
Peppered moth 1
Swallow tailed moth 2
Brimstone 2
Scalloped oak 1
Large emerald 1
Buff arches 1
Poplar hawk moth 1
Tuesday, 16 July 2013
A Gull-a-part
Working in an office in Lancaster has many downsides but occasionally there is an upside, the repeated news of a rare North American gull at a nearby birding hotspot was enough to convince myself and a couple of colleagues to make a short trip.
Ten minutes out of the office door and I'd arrived at the end of an unadopted road leading to the "Ocean Edge Leisure Park" which to the untrained ear sounds delightful but is actually right next door to Heysham Nuclear Power Plant!
Strangely reminiscent of my (true) home patch in the north east, it instantly filled me with hope of weird and wonderful birds from far flung lands.
After a brisk walk through a decent looking scrub area (maybe a visit in the spring is in order) we arrived on the sea front immeadiately in front of the power station where several birders where already present.
Several med gulls were present roosting amongst the massed black-headed gulls and the tide was slowly rising. Curlews, oystercatchers and redshank fidgeted and shuffled for the best spot.
Luckliy for me a felow birder made the magical call, oft longed for by many a twitcher ... "I've got it!"
And doubly lucky for me another colleague of mine had the bird in his scope. Easy tick you would think? But thats when this easy twitch became a challenge ...
Short of time (or commited to my job!) I hadn't done my homework ... do you know the difference between a black-headed gull and a Bonaparte's gull???
Apparantely they should be like a smaller version of a black-headed gull with a true black head and pink legs. But in the field in strong light and with lots of birds sleeping and shuffling in front of each other its not as simple as some would think.
With a lot of help I finally got the hang of it and relocated it using my binoculars and even saw the pale primaries as the massed gulls were given a spook by a marrauding large gull.
Job done and home to St Helens with a view of more carefully checking the local gull flocks!
For another account of this trip and some photos please read http://birdingaldcliffe.blogspot.co.uk/ which also details another ad hoc twitch for a melodious warbler with no binoculars!!!
Tuesday, 16 July 2013
Newton Lake, NLW
Tuesday, 16 July 2013
Moss Lane
yellowhammer 2
whitethroat 2
skylark 5
common buzzard 1
tree sparrow 1
Getting decent photos of the corn bunting is impossible, this is the best I could manage today...
Damian P
Tuesday, 16 July 2013
Monday, 15 July 2013
Back garden
Monday, 15 July 2013
Newton Lake
Little ringed plover 4
Green Sandpiper 1 probable
Thanks to Peter for the info. Guess where I'll be going on my way home!
Monday, 15 July 2013
Tweet us on Twitter @sthelensbirds
I am really pleased to see this idea begin to take off (pun intended!)
I have also set up a twitter account for the blog so that we can instantly report sightings from the field as they happen.
If you use Twitter please feel free to follow @sthelensbirds for live sightings
See https://twitter.com/sthelensbirds for the twitter feed.
I feel that this could be a really useful resource in the event of a rarity showing up enabling us to get the news out far faster than before.
For those of you that do not have access to Twitter on your mobile phone fee free to contact me for my phone number so that you can simply text me your sightings. I can then arrange to get them on the Twitter feed ASAP.
My email address is bradinho8 "at" hotmail.com
Bye for now and Happy Birding
Sunday, 14 July 2013
Sunday, 14 July 2013
Sunday, 14 July 2013
Eccleston Mere
Oystercatcher 2
Kingfisher 1
Mute Swan 2 adults
Cormorant 8 flew over
Saturday, 13 July 2013
Mountain's farm 7.30am
Saturday, 13 July 2013
Eccleston Mere
Willow Tit 1 heard at the end of the stream
Bullfinch 1
Nuthatch 3
Kingfisher 1 heard
Tufted duck 3
Damian P
Friday, 12 July 2013
Friday, 12 July 2013
Friday, 12 July 2013
Lunar Hornet Moth
Friday, 12 July 2013
Eccleston Mere
Mute Swan 2 adults
Kingfisher 1
A quiet morning at the mere. I'll try again later!
Tuesday, 9 July 2013
Pennington Flash
Tuesday, 9 July 2013
Mountains Farm
2 oystercatcher
Also yellowhammer, tree sparrow, skylark, common whitethroat, and 2 brown hares.
All the yellow wagtails were juveniles today and were pretty inactive, mainly sunbathing and then occasionally snacking on the flies and chasing off the pied.
(See Gallery for recent photos from this site.)
Tuesday, 9 July 2013
Eccleston Mere
Monday, 8 July 2013
Eccleston Mere
Kingfisher 1
Mute Swan 1 adult
Coot 50
Sunday, 7 July 2013
Saturday, 6 July 2013
Eccleston Mere
Common Tern 1 adult
Oystercatcher 1
Kingfisher 1
Nuthatch 1